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An intuitive general rank-based correlation coefficient Research Articles

Divya PANDOVE, Shivani GOEL, Rinkle RANI

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2018, Volume 19, Issue 6,   Pages 699-711 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601549

Abstract: We propose a predictive metric to calculate correlations between paired values, known as the general rank-basedWe have compared it to Spearmans rank correlation coefficient.

Keywords: General rank-based correlation coefficient     Multivariate analysis     Predictive metric     Spearmans rank correlation    

Study on Rank Reversals in Liner Allocation Method

Zhang Ling,Zhou Dequn

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 50-53


The problem that the liner allocation method can result in rank reversalconcepts of sorting vectors and their relativity distribute ra tios are proposed to explain the causes of rank

Keywords: decision making     liner allocation method     rank reversal     rank preservation    

A critical review of ash slagging mechanisms and viscosity measurement for low-rank coal and bio-slags

Md Tanvir ALAM, Baiqian DAI, Xiaojiang WU, Andrew HOADLEY, Lian ZHANG

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1,   Pages 46-67 doi: 10.1007/s11708-020-0807-8

Abstract: In particular, this paper focuses on low-rank coal and biomass that have been receiving increased attentionand slagging indices can only satisfactorily predict the viscosity and slagging propensity of high-rankcoals but cannot predict the slagging propensity and slag viscosity of low-rank coal, and especiallymethod, which can predict/measure the slagging propensity and slag viscosity correctly for all low-rank

Keywords: slag     viscosity     biomass     low-rank coal     combustion     gasification    

Using heterogeneous patent network features to rank and discover influential inventors

Yong-ping DU,Chang-qing YAO,Nan LI

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2015, Volume 16, Issue 7,   Pages 568-578 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400394

Abstract: We also give a detailed analysis of influential inventor’s interesting topics using a latent Dirichlet

Keywords: Heterogeneous patent network     Influence     Rule-based ranking    

Study on Rank Preservation of the MCDM With Normalizing Formula

Zhang Ling,Zhou Dequn,Li Hongwei,Zhu Peifeng

Strategic Study of CAE 2006, Volume 8, Issue 12,   Pages 85-88

Abstract: normalizing formula will result in violations of independence from irrelevant alternatives and lead to rankIn the paper, the two methods that improve the original normalizing formula to erase the rank reversal

Keywords: MCDM decision     normalizing     violations of independence from irrelevant alternatives     rank preservation     rank    

A rank-based multiple-choice secretary algorithm for minimising microgrid operating cost under uncertainties

Frontiers in Energy 2023, Volume 17, Issue 2,   Pages 198-210 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0874-8

Abstract: To address this challenge, a rank-based multiple-choice secretary algorithm (RMSA) was proposed for microgrid

Keywords: energy management systems     demand response     scheduling under uncertainty     renewable energy sources     multiple-choice secretary algorithm    

An index system for evaluation of agriculture green development at county level in China RESEARCH ARTICLE

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 55-68 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024536

Abstract: The assessment delved into historical trend and current situation, utilizing Spearman rank correlation

Keywords: Agriculture green development     index system     quantitative evaluation     Spearman correlation analysis    

Fuzzy Rank Methodology for Risk Assessment of Environmental Pollution Accidents

Xiong Deqi,Chen Gang,Li Qiong

Strategic Study of CAE 2001, Volume 3, Issue 8,   Pages 46-50

Abstract: factories is a multi-criteria and multi-stage process, and is of relativity and fuzziness, the fuzzy rank

Keywords: pollution accidents     risk     fuzzy     assessment     rank    

Pathological progression of osteoarthritis: a perspective on subchondral bone

Frontiers of Medicine 2024, Volume 18, Issue 2,   Pages 237-257 doi: 10.1007/s11684-024-1061-y

Abstract: review, we elucidate the epidemiology of OA and present an in-depth overview of the subchondral bone’sreceptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL)/receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK

Keywords: osteoarthritis     subchondral bone     OPG/RANKL/RANK     CXCL12/CXCR4    

Low complexity robust adaptive beamforming for general-rank signal model with positive semidefinite constraint Article

Yu-tang ZHU,Yong-bo ZHAO,Jun LIU,Peng-lang SHUI

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2016, Volume 17, Issue 11,   Pages 1245-1252 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601112

Abstract: We propose a low complexity robust beamforming method for the general-rank signal model, to combat against

Keywords: Beamforming     General-rank     Low complexity     Positive semidefinite (PSD) constraint     Model mismatches    

Multi-agent evaluation for energy management by practically scaling α-rank Research Article

Yiyun SUN, Senlin ZHANG, Meiqin LIU, Ronghao ZHENG, Shanling DONG, Xuguang LAN

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2024, Volume 25, Issue 7,   Pages 1003-1016 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2300438

Abstract: The α-rank algorithm can solve the general-sum game and guarantee the ranking theoretically, but it isA new evaluation algorithm (TcEval) is proposed by practically scaling the α-rank algorithm through a

Keywords: Energy management     Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning     Strategy evaluation     Power grid system    

Ensemble unit and AI techniques for prediction of rock strain

Pradeep T; Pijush SAMUI; Navid KARDANI; Panagiotis G ASTERIS

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 7,   Pages 858-870 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0831-3

Abstract: Ranking analysis, stress-strain curve, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, actual vs. predicted curve,error matrix and the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) values are used for comparing models.

Keywords: prediction     strain     ensemble unit     rank analysis     error matrix    

Expanding the Scope of Multivariate Regression Approaches in Cross-Omics Research Article

Xiaoxi Hu, Yue Ma, Yakun Xu, Peiyao Zhao, Jun Wang

Engineering 2021, Volume 7, Issue 12,   Pages 1725-1731 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.05.028

Abstract: Therefore, in this article, we introduce the reduced rank regression method and its extensions, sparsereduced rank regression and subspace assisted regression with row sparsity, which hold potential to

Keywords: Multivariate regression methods     Reduced rank regression     Sparsity     Dimensionality reduction     Variable    

Changes in hourly precipitation may explain the sharp reduction of discharge in the middle reach of the Yellow River after 2000

Lin LUO, Zhongjing WANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 5,   Pages 756-768 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0563-7

Abstract: rainfall event was classified as light/moderate rain, large rain, heavy rain or rainstorm by the event’sfurther classified as low intensity rain, medium intensity rain and high intensity rain by the event’sChanges in rainfall distribution between different classes of the Runoff Rainfall regime in the 2000s

Keywords: precipitation intensity     Mann-Kendall rank statistic     spatial and temporal distribution     climatic change    

Low-rank matrix recovery with total generalized variation for defending adversarial examples Research Article

Wen LI, Hengyou WANG, Lianzhi HUO, Qiang HE, Linlin CHEN, Zhiquan HE, Wing W. Y. Ng,

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2024, Volume 25, Issue 3,   Pages 432-445 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2300017

Abstract: decomposition with first-order total variation (TV) regularization exhibits excellent performance in exploration of image structure. Taking advantage of its excellent performance in image denoising, we apply it to improve the robustness of deep neural networks. However, although TV regularization can improve the robustness of the model, it reduces the accuracy of normal samples due to its over-smoothing. In our work, we develop a new recovery model, called LRTGV, which incorporates (TGV) regularization into the reweighted recovery model. In the proposed model, TGV is used to better reconstruct texture information without over-smoothing. The reweighted nuclear norm and -norm can enhance the global structure information. Thus, the proposed LRTGV can destroy the structure of adversarial noise while re-enhancing the global structure and local texture of the image. To solve the challenging optimal model issue, we propose an algorithm based on the . Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a certain defense capability against black-box attacks, and outperforms state-of-the-art recovery methods in image restoration.

Keywords: Total generalized variation     Low-rank matrix     Alternating direction method of multipliers     Adversarial    

Title Author Date Type Operation

An intuitive general rank-based correlation coefficient

Divya PANDOVE, Shivani GOEL, Rinkle RANI

Journal Article

Study on Rank Reversals in Liner Allocation Method

Zhang Ling,Zhou Dequn

Journal Article

A critical review of ash slagging mechanisms and viscosity measurement for low-rank coal and bio-slags

Md Tanvir ALAM, Baiqian DAI, Xiaojiang WU, Andrew HOADLEY, Lian ZHANG

Journal Article

Using heterogeneous patent network features to rank and discover influential inventors

Yong-ping DU,Chang-qing YAO,Nan LI

Journal Article

Study on Rank Preservation of the MCDM With Normalizing Formula

Zhang Ling,Zhou Dequn,Li Hongwei,Zhu Peifeng

Journal Article

A rank-based multiple-choice secretary algorithm for minimising microgrid operating cost under uncertainties

Journal Article

An index system for evaluation of agriculture green development at county level in China

Journal Article

Fuzzy Rank Methodology for Risk Assessment of Environmental Pollution Accidents

Xiong Deqi,Chen Gang,Li Qiong

Journal Article

Pathological progression of osteoarthritis: a perspective on subchondral bone

Journal Article

Low complexity robust adaptive beamforming for general-rank signal model with positive semidefinite constraint

Yu-tang ZHU,Yong-bo ZHAO,Jun LIU,Peng-lang SHUI

Journal Article

Multi-agent evaluation for energy management by practically scaling α-rank

Yiyun SUN, Senlin ZHANG, Meiqin LIU, Ronghao ZHENG, Shanling DONG, Xuguang LAN

Journal Article

Ensemble unit and AI techniques for prediction of rock strain

Pradeep T; Pijush SAMUI; Navid KARDANI; Panagiotis G ASTERIS

Journal Article

Expanding the Scope of Multivariate Regression Approaches in Cross-Omics Research

Xiaoxi Hu, Yue Ma, Yakun Xu, Peiyao Zhao, Jun Wang

Journal Article

Changes in hourly precipitation may explain the sharp reduction of discharge in the middle reach of the Yellow River after 2000

Lin LUO, Zhongjing WANG

Journal Article

Low-rank matrix recovery with total generalized variation for defending adversarial examples

Wen LI, Hengyou WANG, Lianzhi HUO, Qiang HE, Linlin CHEN, Zhiquan HE, Wing W. Y. Ng,

Journal Article